I enjoyed going to a public square or a cafe and do people-watching. But it‘s rude to watch them for too long. So I looked at them secretly and unnoticeably. Because of my foreign appearance, I was often watched. Sometimes I was obviously observed. I tried to express the tension of this look visually.
In general people don‘t want to look at other people for more than 3 seconds. After 5 seconds it gets really annoying. So my idea was to watch each other for 3 seconds. These flat head models like fish heads are combined with motors and sensors, recognize the other person and pause for 3 seconds to observe them. Then, after 3 seconds, it turns to look for another observation object. The motors associated with the program was programmed to interact with other heads placed in front of it, and when they detected the other heads is staring at you, they will turn their heads slightly to a different angle and start looking at the other person. These heads are people who simultaneously observe others and become objects of the observed.